Be More Enthusiastically Present (Mindfulness Mini Practices)
I see you.
Anywhere you are, you are constantly thinking 20 steps ahead, making sure all the details are in place so nothing gets missed. It’s exhausting.
So what can you do? because things need to get done, but you still want to be present and in the moment when it matters.
You and I can practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is being physically and mentally in the same place at the same time, and for some of us, it takes practice.
Here are two mini mindfulness practices that are super easy to incorporate into a moment here and there.
Notice one thing today that's exactly as you would want it. Spend a full 20 seconds feeling appreciation.
Notice something new. Focus on a novel detail in something familiar, such as your route to work, sounds outside your window, your beloved pet. For one full minute breathe deeply, keeping your attention on that point you noted.
Pick the one that resonates most and practice it this week and see what you notice.