3 Ways to be Enthusiastically Present with Your Kids

If you’re anything like me, it’s so easy to get caught up in the never ending “To Do” list to where it’s hard to stop, and when your kids ask “Mommy come play with me”, I even find myself getting annoyed. But then I remember.

The To Do list will always be there, but my son will only be at this stage for a year. (He’s 5)

And when I think about it, once I stop the “go go go” mode, I really enjoy spending time with him. Even if it is playing “Batman, Superman, and Cake Man” over and over again. 😊


Here are three ways to be enthusiastically present with your kids:

-          Set a timer and play: I find that if I set a timer, even if it’s for 15 minutes, and fully immerse myself in play for that time, it’s easier for me to break away from the “to do” list.

-          Snuggle: There are few things sweeter than snuggling up with my son at bedtime, or if he’s feeling sick, or anytime. Rather than focusing on the “you must sleep”, I try to use that time to connect, talk, sing, or listen to a story together.

-          Share: I see beauty everywhere, and I share that with my son. The other day the sunrise was golden yellow and lit up the clouds, and so I woke him up to some share that with me. Or if I see a beautiful flower or bug, I call his attention to it. What do you love that you could share with your kids?


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Be More Enthusiastically Present (Mindfulness Mini Practices)