One Choice

A boob job, or a trapeze rig?

That was the choice of gift Patty’s husband gave her for her 50th birthday.

Now while the boob job was a complete joke,

a few years before, they had tried the flying trapeze while on vacation, just for fun. And she fell in love with it. She started taking classes at various trapeze schools around the country, and the obsession grew.

While the trapeze rig was the obvious choice of the two for her, it still wasn’t an easy decision. See, they had no idea who would run the rig, or how many participants they would even have in this area of the country.


But they chose to jump in.


A choice that has since affected hundreds of people in our area. Because of this one choice,


  • The WyFly Trapeze club was founded,

  • Several club members have been inspired to go on and teach and perform professionally, traveling the world from Brazil to France,

  • People have overcome their fear of heights,

  • Professional trapeze artists from around the world have had the opportunity to come fly at the only rig in this area of the country and share their knowledge,

  • Sheridan locals (both adults and kids) have an opportunity to learn a sport that is in very few places in the country,

  • Over a hundred people gathered to watch the club’s performance in 2019

  • There is a community of people that are getting better every day, stronger every day, trying new things, and persisting through challenges.


“It’s opened my life to trying something new and scary every day. I’ve met tons of interesting people all over the world be because of flying trapeze. I found I can do so much more than I imagined.” ~Patty


That is the difference one choice can make.


5 Reasons to Shop at Thrift Stores


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