How I got over 20,000 followers in a month and a half

It sounds like every aspiring influencer’s dream.

So how did I do it?

Was it because I was consistently posting like my business coach said to?

Was it because I said all the affirmations and manifested like crazy?

Was it because I worked harder than anyone else?

Was it because I got lucky?


Some background for this story…

The two years I have been working on this business have been the most challenging times of my life up to this point. Full of victories (like winning the Sheridan Business Startup Challenge), and challenges (like having a miscarriage and complications, and having to postpone my original goal launch date from April of 2022). And this summer, the weight of this dream, to own a billion-dollar company that glorifies God and has a global impact, along with other personal issues, nearly crushed me.

I had depression.

I had severe anxiety.

I had debilitating migraines.

And because there were so many things in my life that I could not control, I clung to the only thing I felt like I could control… my business.

I worked hard.

I manifested.

I posted.

And up until the second week of September, I was barely up to 400 followers on Instagram. Yes, I celebrated each new follower, but that was where I had put a large part of my self worth, and so I struggled to keep going, and I was miserable.

I struggled with doubts of “Is this even a good idea if no one else thinks so?”

And, “Is this worth it or should I just go work a normal 9-5 job? It would make life so much simpler.”

Then I went to the Activate Women’s Conference by Girl Power Alliance.

Now just a heads up that I’m going to talk a lot about God. And if you’re thinking right now “Why bring up God, this is about business?” Yes, I could leave God out of it, but I would be doing you a disservice because it wouldn’t be the whole story.

It wouldn’t be the truth of what happened.

So this conference was supposed to have over 2000 Christian women in business. That was their goal… but less than 100 were there. My heart sank…this was supposed to be my pre-launch pre-sale!

During Every. Single. Speaker. I heard the word surrender. I heard that word over and over again.

At the end the conference, they asked everyone to write the word on their arm that stood out most to them, then share it with the group.

I was the only one who wrote surrender, so I know that word was for me.

And through tears, I truly surrendered control of my business to God, along with a whole bunch of other things.

And after the conference, I came home free.

At peace.

In alignment with what I know God has called me to.

Did I jump back in and start working twice as hard?


But when I worked, I worked from a place of rest, of peace, of alignment.

And I didn’t feel the need to check the number of Instagram followers constantly. So when I looked at it one day and saw 7000 followers, I had to look again. And then later it was 12,000, then 17,000, and now, a month and a half later, we are at over 20,000 followers!


Depression no longer has power over me.

Anxiety no longer has power over me.

I have not had a single debilitating headache.

God did that.

So if you have a big dream that is crushing you with its weight… remember you weren’t meant to carry that burden.

Give it to God.


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