CORE Value: See the Beauty (More than a Body)

One of the core values of the Brit Schmit brand is “SEE THE BEAUTY”. We believe in seeing the beauty

·         In yourself

·         In others

·         In the world around you


How we see the world depends so much on how we see ourselves first. And so often, much of the value we place on ourselves and sadly, the value others often place on us, depends on our appearance.


And so, if we look in the mirror and don’t feel ‘put together’, or like we match some beauty standard we have in our minds, we hide, or don’t speak out, or in general just limit ourselves because we feel unworthy. I have done this myself.


For those of you who don’t know, I have what is eloquently called an “aquiline nose”. It’s long and pointy and has a big ol’ bump on the bridge. Very much NOT like any female cartoon character ever, or the vast majority of movie or tv stars.

 Because of these images of what I perceived as ‘beautiful’, in high school I wanted to change my nose so badly, I even had a letter drafted to the producers of Extreme Makeover (remember that show?) on why I needed a nose job. 

 I have since learned to embrace who I am, and to not let it hold me back from being in the fashion world, and there are others who are calling out our culture on its perceptions of beauty. In their book “More Than a Body”, sisters Lexie and Lindsay Kite share this quote.

 “Your body is an instrument, not an ornament.”

 So to be totally honest, I am still in the middle of reading the book, but my takeaway from this quote is that we are meant for more than just to be looked at. Our body is an instrument, to be used to make music, figuratively speaking.


And even if my violin looks different from your violin, what matters is the music we make. Is what comes out of us actions that make people cringe? Or do we make music that makes people want to come along and tap their feet and clap their hands with us?


Here is a list of Instagram accounts I follow that talk about loving our bodies:

-          @beauty_redefined (Your body is an instrument, not an ornament)

-          @thebirdspapaya (a journal of life and love after massive change, such as pregnancy)

-          @meg.boggs (and @dearbodybymeg, fat strength)

-          @aquiline_noses (aquiline noses are beautiful)


Tag us @britschmitllc on Instagram or Facebook and let us know who has encouraged you with your body image.


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