The Jessie: Adaptability

One of the core values of the Brit Schmit brand is “SHARE THE STORY”. We believe that everyone has a story and everything has a story behind it, and that it is so important to share those stories with each other.

Because of this, each of our jumpsuits is named after an inspirational woman. Here is the story and inspiration behind the Jessie jumpsuit.

She is a former 300mph racecar driver, mom of 5, dedicated wife, life and business coach extraordinaire, founder of the Millionaire Mompreneur Project brand, author, speaker, podcaster, and friend.

I first heard Jessie Bouton speak as a guest on the Work + Life Harmony podcast ( in February of 2020. During the podcast, in the midst of talking about how she manages her time as an entrepreneur and mom of 5, she mentioned her love of her fake eyelashes. Not sure why, but I immediately cold-messaged her on Instagram to pitch her the eyelash growth serum I was selling at the time. This woman was so gracious and actually voice-messaged me back, graciously explaining and turning me down. But the fact that she took the time to voice message me, this random person, really stood out. So I looked more into who this lady was, and ended up attending a webinar, and then purchasing her course, where I officially joined the Millionaire Mompreneur sisterhood, with Jessie as my coach.

 See, I knew I wanted more, but I was burned out on the skincare MLM company I was a part of at the time. Jessie encouraged me to shift into something that was more aligned with my passions. So I shifted to a fashion MLM, and then shortly realized that I did not want to sell other people’s clothes, I wanted to sell my OWN designs. Jessie said “let’s do it” and has been my biggest cheerleader and accountability partner on this entrepreneurial journey.

Shifting and adapting and growing are all a part of what she teaches and models, and I have seen her shift and adapt her own businesses as she navigates her husband’s cancer journey, chooses to keep her kids close, and provides so much value to her clients, all while doing her best to keep God at the center.

To learn more about the Millionaire Mompreneur Project, go to, or find her on Instagram at

 To listen to the Millionaire Mompreneur Project podcast, go to, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Enter your email address at the bottom of this page to subscribe to our email list where you can hear more of the inspirational women behind our products, and have a chance to win a FREE Limited First Edition Brit Schmit jumpsuit from our first production run!

 Fun Fact: This design was my very first ever prototype of this style, and I sent it to Jessie because, as a mom of 5 and a professional woman, I knew she would give the design a thorough testing. And it passed with flying colors! 


One Month Since Winning the Challenge