5 Ways to be More Enthusiastically Present

1)     Wear clothes you can do things in, not just be looked at. (If the super cute top you are wearing makes you super worried about spilling on it, DON’T WEAR IT. You don’t need the distraction.)

2)     Put the phone down. Your social media feeds will all still be there when you pick it up again. I set social media feed time limits and ‘quiet times’ to help keep me in check.

3)     Have a place where you can record “to do” list items as you think of them, whether it’s a notebook in your purse, or setting a reminder on your phone (just talk to Siri or Alexa so you don’t even have to type). That way you aren’t distracted trying to make sure you remember it.

4)     Take less photos. I didn’t say take no photos. Yes, it’s ok to take a few, but try living the moment, rather than recording it.

5)     Seriously… PUT THE PHONE DOWN.


Make the World Stop: Be Present with your Spouse


Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable